Refreshments and snacks will be offered at regular intervals throughout the day to all residents and guests. All residents are invited to choose an early morning cup of tea and then chose from an extensive breakfast menu (including cooked breakfast), which is brought to the room on a tray between 8 and 8.30am.
Mid morning coffee and biscuits are available between 10.30 and 11am.
Lunch is between 12.30 and 1pm depending on where they are taken. Main meals may be taken in either of the two dining areas or in the privacy of the residents accommodation. We have extensive and varied menus which operate on a 4 week cycle. There are always at least 3 choices of meals for lunch which include a vegetarian and a salad option. A lot of residents like to meet in the drawing room before lunch where a glass of sherry is provided and retire there afterwards for coffee and chocolates.
There are at least 2 choices at supper time. The meals provided are home cooked, well balanced, nutritious and whenever possible are made with locally sourced fresh produce.
We have a 5 star rating for food hygiene in our kitchens from Sedgemoor Council.